Ma lähen sügisest austria kunstniku Georg Ritteri juurde
assistendiks. Ta on mulle täiesti võõras. Ma tean temast seda, et ta
peaasjalikult teeb hiiglasuuri efektseid joonistusi. Ma ei mõista, mis on tema
kujutatavate motiivide taust - need tunduvad üsna juhuslikud. Samas, tööd on
väga ägedad. Mina naudin joonistamist. Ma tahaks isegi selliseid töid teha,
kuid ma ei ole suutnud end kunagi veenda, miks ma peaks midagi kujutama. Veidi
kadedast meelest ning soovist kuidagi suhestuda oma tulevase mentoriga, otsisin
välja kõik oma harilikud pliiatsid, teritasin need ja joonistasin nad
joonistusvihikusse lõpuni ära.
I am going to work as assistant for an Austrian artist Georg Ritter in Autumn. He and his work work is completely unknown for me. All that I know about him is that he is doing gigantic realistic drawings. What is the background of these images and what motivates him to work is mystery for me. I also enjoy drawing, but I have had hard time to convince myself to depict anything and I have not found a way to use drawing in my artwork. To find a common ground with my future mentor I did this work. I searched out all the pencils I had, sharpened them and drew them all til the end into a notebook.
I am going to work as assistant for an Austrian artist Georg Ritter in Autumn. He and his work work is completely unknown for me. All that I know about him is that he is doing gigantic realistic drawings. What is the background of these images and what motivates him to work is mystery for me. I also enjoy drawing, but I have had hard time to convince myself to depict anything and I have not found a way to use drawing in my artwork. To find a common ground with my future mentor I did this work. I searched out all the pencils I had, sharpened them and drew them all til the end into a notebook.